Kevin Gosney

My love of photography started when I was young; my father would take me to air shows and I would watch in awe at the flying aircrafts high above my head. As a result of standing on the crowd line (more times than I can recall) I started to pick up my camera. I would try to snap photos of the aircraft whizzing high up in the sky, often resulting in a blurred image with no idea what it was I had snapped!

Things have improved somewhat since those days and about 4 years ago my passion for being outside walking, took my photography in a different direction - towards landscapes. I am self taught, through books, many, many YouTube channels and a lot of trial and error. My biggest achievement? Just getting out, giving it a go…. and sometimes, getting it just right!

Some of my favorite YouTube Channels

James Popsys

Nigel Danson

Henry Turner


Thomas Heaton

First Man Photography

Paul Compton